Scar Treatment

Scar TreatmentThere is no way to completely remove a scar, but there are several ways to make it less noticeable. Scars can be different in form, color; they can be results of various causes. Therefore they need to be treated with different means. If you decided to take care of your scars, you need to know what to do. Basically, there are three ways to fight scars: surgery, creams and lasers.

- Surgical way is recommended when scar is salient or vice versa – cut-out acne scar. When healed up skin is salient, the scar tissue is removed during surgery and healed in special way to be less visible. In some cases of prominent scar or cut-out scar, a small piece of skin is being attached after removing the original scar tissue. This additional skin is excised from less perceptible part of patient's body, i.e. from behind the ears.

- Scar removal creams, gels and lotions are highly promoted in nowadays market. They do a great work when a scar tends to be red, rough or swollen. Creams provide skin with a lot of humidity and special components that induce a skin tissue to regenerate more than usually. Scar treatment creams contain certain amount of collagen as well. Collagen is natural part of human body which helps to keep a flat skin. There are several creams dedicated to wounds treatment that can make skin to heal up prettier.

- Laser treatment is used for all types of scars, but not for all types of skin. People with dark skin tones are recommended to avoid laser treatment. This technology is used to remove almost all scar tissue. Later the skin is stimulated to healthy regenerated. The disadvantage of this kind of treatment is a very slow recovery; it might take from 10 to 18 months for a skin to regenerate. Even after this period, there's no guaranty of success, because it might take two or three procedures to finally see the effect. Other laser treatment is used to remove the redness. The laser light contracts blood vessels in a scar and makes it look more like undamaged skin.

Top 5 Myths About Acne

Top 5 Myths About AcneIt is hard to understand the sudden, unexpected appearance of acne. The scientists and the believers are generally opposed to each other. Below is a top five list of popular acne myths.

1: Diet - It is believed that diet has a major role to play in worsening or improving the acne situation, wherein dermatologists simply refute this. As per dermatologists you can eat whatever you want to, you can take as many chocolates as you wish. But the popular belief goes heavily against this.

2: Washing - Many people believe that washing helps the cause, but the skin pores do not get blocked in the way most people think. The fact is blemishes are not formed by dirt. Collapsing of pores occurs from within and never from top down. And this is what is responsible for acne process. Excessive washing can only give negative results and cause acne condition to worsen.

3: Stress - No, it has nothing to do with your acne conditions. This is not true, your stress isn't responsible for your acne. If stress is the reason for acne when you have to pay heavy income tax annually, you should have acne, along with millions of others!

4: Sun - Some firmly believe that the warm rays of the sum will help them to lessen the suffering on account of spots and pimples. But the scientists say that exposure to the sun will damage your cause further.

5: Fate - Some advise to leave acne to its fate, saying that it will come and it will go. Acne may strike you regardless of your age, but the fact is that acne can be treated and it is irrational to leave it without treatment.

Smoke and Have More Acne for Free

Smoke and Have More Acne for FREEDuring our teenage years we think that smoking makes us look cool, but the sad reality is that the more we smoke, the more we put our health at risk. And if you care about your skin, it's better to stop smoking because it can also cause acne. A "non-inflammatory acne" type of acne is common among smokers. This type of acne blocks the pores and has large blackheads, but less inflamed spots.

The situation gets worse for girls, who are most affected by this type of acne, also called the "smokers acne". Be careful, because when you have this kind of acne during your teenage years, you are four times more likely to develop it when you are an adult. Also, there are large numbers other adverse effects of cigarette smoking on the skin, such as ulcerative colitis, pemphigus vulgaris and acne rosacea.