Fighting with Age Spots? Solution can be found in your kitchen!

Age Spots SolutionSun exposure and free-radical damage can lead to flat brown spots on your hands, face, and body. While age spots are harmless, most people consider them an unwelcome sign of aging. The following spot treatment can reduce the appearance of age spots:

Mix together 1 teaspoon grated horseradish root, 1/2 teaspoon fresh lemon juice, 1/2 teaspoon vinegar, and 3 drops rosemary essential oil. This mixture will exfoliate the top layer of your skin. Dab it onto your age spots with a cotton swab once or twice a day.

If you have sensitive skin, use this treatment less often, as these ingredients are mildly irritating. Stop once your spots have lightened noticeably. See a dermatologist if your spots grow in size or change shape.

Natural Skin Care Products

Natural Skin Care ProductsNatural skin products have taken the cosmetic industry by storm. Made from common natural components like herbs, honey, sandalwood, vegetables, and fruits, these products are easy to use and highly effective. From acne to age spots, wrinkles to pimples, these products offer solutions for all skin problems, while supplying the skin with their natural ingredients.

Available under various brand names, natural skin care products are extensively sold online as well. So, are natural skin care products the answer to all skin problems? What if a natural skin care product is not available for the treatment of a particular skin disorder? Are the synthetic skin care products so harmful that they should be banned?

The reality is that due to presence of synthetic preservatives, it’s really tough to find a natural skin care product that is 100% natural. There are natural skin care products that have natural preservatives, but their cost might be detrimental. Moreover, such natural skin products have a shorter shelf life and hence are not preferred by the manufacturers of natural skin care products.

Some people carry a wrong notion that since natural skin care products are natural, they cannot cause any harm to the skin. But an unsuitable natural skin care product can harm you in almost the same way as a synthetic one. So, use natural skin care products, but be open to synthetic ones too. Try to use them when a natural solution is hard to find.

Apart from the products available in the markets, you can also make natural skin care products by yourself, by using the recipes that are readily available on the internet and in the books at book stores and using as ingredients honey, sandalwood, tomatoes, bananas and other fruits and vegetables. The regular usage of these products ensures a blemish-free, radiant skin which looks young and fresh. Some essential oils, herbal oils, are useful too and are known for their moisturising and antiseptic properties.

Dermatologists also encourage the use of natural products for skin care, as skin is extremely sensitive and even minor carelessness can cause a permanent scar or allergy. Natural skin care products also have medicinal benefits, along with the rejuvenation of the skin. The regular use of these products cleanses the skin, thus reducing the chances of pimples, blackheads and other problems.

Using a natural skin care products does not mean that you can forget fundamental skin care recommendations, including: healthy eating habits, regular exercise, drinking a lot of water everyday, and cleanliness. These recommendations and regular use of natural skin care products can be the key to a better, healthier, and more beautiful skin.

Foods for Beautiful Skin

Foods for Beautiful SkinYour skin, especially the skin on your face, is probably one of the last things you want looking terrible with pimple scars, acne and an oily appearance. And you should know that food affects the health of skin dramatically. Diet is one of the most common causes of skin problems, if you want a healthy skin, it is important for you to have a healthy diet - a diet that contains adequate amount of vitamins, minerals and proteins.

Berries such as cranberries and blueberries are one of the richest sources of antioxidants that destroy free radicals, which destroy tissue and reinforce the cells that make up blood vessel walls, increasing blood circulation and giving you those beautiful rosy cheeks. Bright colors on vegetables and fruits signify richness in antioxidants, so eat more of these as well. They include plums, apricots, strawberries, spinach, broccoli and other leafy vegetables.

Chicken, fish and other seafood are also great foods that will benefit the skin. These are good sources of high-quality, low fat protein which helps make your skin more elastic and toned. An additional advantage of eating these is stronger, shinier hair.

Vitamin E helps in the conversion of calories into energy, which is used for cellular metabolism, which keeps the skin moist and smooth. Vitamin E rich foods will help to prevent dry skin and helps in the repair and reduction of scars and stretch marks. These foods include hazelnuts, almonds, broccoli, spinach, mango, kiwi, peanuts and sunflower seeds.

In addition to food, good old water is the one of major ingredients for beautiful, radiant looking skin. We’ve all heard of its powers before, but it can’t be said enough! Water keeps our skin hydrated and flushes out toxins, leaving the skin fresh and blemish free.

The skin is the organ that determines most of our appearance and how good we look, so taking care of it to make sure it is always at its perfect condition is vital for a great image. Eat the right things and you will look vibrant and beautiful.

Drink More Water to Get Healthy Skin

Drink More Water to Get Healthy SkinMaybe you've heard how important is water for your health, figure and well-being many times, but everything your body does it does better with a healthy supply of water, because every system in your body depends on water. Maybe if water was more expensive, people would pay more attention to drink enough of it on a daily basis, instead most of us prefer coffee, lots of soda, and alcohol, not to mention fruit juices and teas and milk and a bunch of other beverages.

You should know that water is one of the best tools for weight loss, because it replaces high-calorie drinks like soda, juice, and alcohol with a drink that doesn't have any calories. Water is a great appetite suppressant, and often when we think we're hungry, we are actually just thirsty. By flushing out toxins and impurities, water can make your skin clearer, smoother and younger looking.

Drinking water moisturizes your skin from the inside out and clear up your skin. People often report a healthy glow after drinking water. It will not happen overnight, of course, but just a week of drinking a healthy amount of water can have good effects on your skin. Water is important to keep you skin smooth and delicate. Water is the single most important element for cellular integrity. Nothing will improve the appearance of your skin better than drinking enough water.

To make sure that you are getting enough water everyday, use simple tips below:

- Carry water with you everywhere you go in a bottle. Try getting a cool water bottle that you enjoy having around; it makes drinking water more fun.

- Keep a glass of water next to you whenever you'll be sitting down for a long time, such as when you are at your desk at work. Drink from it regularly as you are working.

- Add lemons or limes to your water, it makes it taste better and makes you want to drink more of it. Also, you can add some mint leaves to a pitcher of water, which should be allowed to sit overnight.

- Try drinking cold water out of a glass instead of a plastic or paper cup. The glass will retain the cold better than other materials and will keep your water crisp and fresh-tasting longer. If you don't like the taste of cold water, try hot water. It's a different taste and it feels good on your throat.

It’s a pity people spend so much money on different commercial products, while ignoring the cheapest and most effective one - water. Sufficient water intake prevents dehydration, cleans out the body, and promotes healing processes. Body is 90 percent water and needs it for digestion, healthy skin, blood circulation, temperature control and lots of other reasons. Drink your water! Have beautiful skin and stay healthy!

by the courtesy of Beautiful Skin Blog

Scar Treatment

Scar TreatmentThere is no way to completely remove a scar, but there are several ways to make it less noticeable. Scars can be different in form, color; they can be results of various causes. Therefore they need to be treated with different means. If you decided to take care of your scars, you need to know what to do. Basically, there are three ways to fight scars: surgery, creams and lasers.

- Surgical way is recommended when scar is salient or vice versa – cut-out acne scar. When healed up skin is salient, the scar tissue is removed during surgery and healed in special way to be less visible. In some cases of prominent scar or cut-out scar, a small piece of skin is being attached after removing the original scar tissue. This additional skin is excised from less perceptible part of patient's body, i.e. from behind the ears.

- Scar removal creams, gels and lotions are highly promoted in nowadays market. They do a great work when a scar tends to be red, rough or swollen. Creams provide skin with a lot of humidity and special components that induce a skin tissue to regenerate more than usually. Scar treatment creams contain certain amount of collagen as well. Collagen is natural part of human body which helps to keep a flat skin. There are several creams dedicated to wounds treatment that can make skin to heal up prettier.

- Laser treatment is used for all types of scars, but not for all types of skin. People with dark skin tones are recommended to avoid laser treatment. This technology is used to remove almost all scar tissue. Later the skin is stimulated to healthy regenerated. The disadvantage of this kind of treatment is a very slow recovery; it might take from 10 to 18 months for a skin to regenerate. Even after this period, there's no guaranty of success, because it might take two or three procedures to finally see the effect. Other laser treatment is used to remove the redness. The laser light contracts blood vessels in a scar and makes it look more like undamaged skin.

Top 5 Myths About Acne

Top 5 Myths About AcneIt is hard to understand the sudden, unexpected appearance of acne. The scientists and the believers are generally opposed to each other. Below is a top five list of popular acne myths.

1: Diet - It is believed that diet has a major role to play in worsening or improving the acne situation, wherein dermatologists simply refute this. As per dermatologists you can eat whatever you want to, you can take as many chocolates as you wish. But the popular belief goes heavily against this.

2: Washing - Many people believe that washing helps the cause, but the skin pores do not get blocked in the way most people think. The fact is blemishes are not formed by dirt. Collapsing of pores occurs from within and never from top down. And this is what is responsible for acne process. Excessive washing can only give negative results and cause acne condition to worsen.

3: Stress - No, it has nothing to do with your acne conditions. This is not true, your stress isn't responsible for your acne. If stress is the reason for acne when you have to pay heavy income tax annually, you should have acne, along with millions of others!

4: Sun - Some firmly believe that the warm rays of the sum will help them to lessen the suffering on account of spots and pimples. But the scientists say that exposure to the sun will damage your cause further.

5: Fate - Some advise to leave acne to its fate, saying that it will come and it will go. Acne may strike you regardless of your age, but the fact is that acne can be treated and it is irrational to leave it without treatment.

Smoke and Have More Acne for Free

Smoke and Have More Acne for FREEDuring our teenage years we think that smoking makes us look cool, but the sad reality is that the more we smoke, the more we put our health at risk. And if you care about your skin, it's better to stop smoking because it can also cause acne. A "non-inflammatory acne" type of acne is common among smokers. This type of acne blocks the pores and has large blackheads, but less inflamed spots.

The situation gets worse for girls, who are most affected by this type of acne, also called the "smokers acne". Be careful, because when you have this kind of acne during your teenage years, you are four times more likely to develop it when you are an adult. Also, there are large numbers other adverse effects of cigarette smoking on the skin, such as ulcerative colitis, pemphigus vulgaris and acne rosacea.

Health Benefits From Colon Cleansing

Health Benefits From Colon CleansingThe condition of our colon is vital to our health and well-being. When the colon is unclean, it is unable to absorb the nutrients; this results in various problems and ailments. Colon degeneration and disease is on the rise nowadays. The best prevention and healing strategy is cleaning up your diet and cleansing the body of toxins, poisons and accumulated waste. And the colon is the most important place to start.

Cleansing the colon cleanses every tissue and cell in the human body including skin cells. There are many products available in the market, which you can use to sweep the toxins from the digestive system and keep the colon clean. The natural elements in herbal colon cleansers make them inexpensive and safe. At the same time a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet is all you need your colon to do the job on its own. Simply make small adjustments to your lifestyle, instead of resorting to artificial products on a regular basis.

Eat fiber-rich foods and drinks lot of pure water. These can prevent a number of digestive problems and will help maintain a healthy weight. Plant-based foods are the best foods for the digestive system because of the fiber they contain. Vegetables and fruits are also easier to digest than animal-based foods and therefore cause less stress to the digestive system. Fermented foods such as yogurt keep the intestines healthy by replenishing the healthy bacteria in the digestive system.

The colon is very efficient at ridding our bodies of waste. Unfortunately, the detoxifying work of the colon and other organs may be hindered by bad eating habits. A diet rich in leafy, textured greens, brightly colored vegetables and fruits, soluble and insoluble fibers found in whole grains, and healthy fats from nuts and lean fish accelerates the natural mechanisms by which cells fend off disease-causing chemicals.

You might find this hard to believe, but if you have any of the following symptoms, you may well benefit from colon cleansing. It doesn’t stop there: depression, cold hands or feet, chronic fatigue, endometriosis, circulation problems, memory loss, low sex drive, gas, insomnia, irritability, allergies, body odor and bad breath. The same goes for brittle nails and hair, blood pressure, memory loss and inability to concentrate are a few more symptoms of colon toxins.

Simple Beautiful Skin Care Tips

Simple Beautiful Skin Care TipsTo achieve clear and smoother skin tone and texture, you must be determined to modify current unhealthy lifestyle, avoid bad eating habits and follow a healthy diet. Whether you are doing it for good, in preparation for an important occasion such as wedding, birthday or grand dinner, or even celebration of festive season, or simple for looking good and self-grooming purpose, a change in your everyday lifestyle plus using proper skin care products are vital for achieving better looking skin. Use a range of good and affordable natural based skin care products that do not contains harmful or strong ingredients.

Stay away from oily food, fried food, starchy food, sugary food, and dairy food, creamy soup, thick gravy, and spicy food, caffeinated drinks. Try to avoid or reduce use of eggs, peanuts, seafood and alcohol. These are foods, which trigger acne and pimple breakouts. Take vegetables and clear soup, without oil. Take lots of fresh fruits and fruit juices. Take many fruits especially in the morning or during night supper when you still find yourself hungry for food. Avoid snacks such as biscuits or chips. Blend fruit juices once a while when you grew tired of chewing fruits. If you prefer, go organic on your food.

Exercise daily. Try to exercise daily to sweat out toxins. It promotes blood circulation thus making skin look radiant and revitalized. Try not to touch your facial skin often. Avoid the bad habit by using fingers or hand to touch your skin especially your nose and chin area. Place your hand away from your face when answering phone calls or chit chatting. This will reduce the chances of getting an inflamed skin. Drink lots of water. Drink plenty of clean, boiled water to cleanse your body system and keep skin hydrate.

No Easy Solutions For Rosacea

No Easy Solutions For RosaceaRosacea is known as a progressive vascular problem that affects the facial skin including the eyes and nose. People also know that this problem becomes more and more intense if time passes by. Usually appearing as a mild sunburn or windburn rosacea evolves and may lead to intense facial redness, swelling, burning sensations and in some cases to facial disfigurement. It is also known that a high number of people suffer from rosacea.

People usually wonder if rosacea is curable. The answer to their question is negative because there is no treatment available for curing rosacea. Even so there are available some treatments that control or eliminate its symptoms. Each case of rosacea is treated differently, depending on the symptoms. In general, oral and topical antibiotics, as well as other medications, are prescribed to treat the bumps or the pimples. When it is necessary, a laser treatment or a surgical procedure will help to remove the visible blood vessels or correct the disfigurement of the nose. A common type of rosacea, ocular rosacea, is treated with oral antibiotics and ophthalmic therapy.

The rosacea sufferers are also advised to avoid the environmental factors that may aggravate the problems such as sun and wind exposure or sudden temperature changes.

Seeing this answer to their first asked question people begin to wonder why rosacea is treated with antibiotics. The answer explains that rosacea is not a bacterial infection but antibiotics have a benefic effect because of the anti-inflammatory properties. Other medications may help too. Specialists believe that products containing sulfur drug or azelaic may be an alternative for the antibiotic therapy.

It is also well to know that topical therapy is preferred instead of antibiotics because of its lack of side effects. This topical therapy involves a long time treatment.

Answering to the care problem we might say that a facial care routine is recommended. It is good to see a dermatologist that may prescribe a refreshing cleansing each morning.

Another problem is laser therapy. People concern about its effects. For them it is good to say that laser therapy helps to remove or reduce the extensive redness or the bumps. It is used in helping to retard the buildup of excess tissue and reshaping the nose.

Acne Skin Care Cures

Acne Skin Care CuresIt is a fact that no one wants to have acne. But once you have it, you have no other option but to fight back. So what should you do if you are a victim of this skin disorder? Does it have a cure? Yes, there are many types of cures that you can use.

Obviously, acne treatments are aimed at those who are already suffering from acne. If you do not have any breakouts, then you do not need to worry about acne treatment, but you still need to consider acne prevention. This article is for those who are already experiencing acne breakouts.

Creams, Gels and Liquids

You can choose from a number of non-prescription creams, gels and liquids which are available for treating acne. Bottled creams and liquids are not difficult to find and are also easy to use. Creams and gels are easy to apply. You just have to be careful not to rub it too hard on your face. Rather, be as gentle as you can. Vitamin E, a natural antioxidant, is commonly found in these creams and gels. Vitamin E helps the body get rid of unwanted free radicals that result from exposure to various kinds of pollution. This in turn helps in improving overall complexion.

Pills to Combat Acne

Pills can be used to fight acne. Health agencies are authorized to give the green signal to these pills so that they are available for the public. Nevertheless, these pills can have adverse side effects. You could be allergic to the contents in the pill. It could even worsen the existing acne.

You are strongly advised to contact your doctor before consuming any of these pills. You have to be sure that your body won't adversely react to these oral treatments for acne. When you're sure that you won't have any allergies with these pills, you are safe to use them.

Laser Treatment to fight Acne

This type of treatment is used when the acne flare-up is too severe to handle. Laser therapies work by targeting intense light onto the skin. The laser light penetrates the upper layer of the skin to burn off the acne. Some patients are initially hesitant to go for this treatment because they are concerned of the scars that the treatment might leave. But know that the treatment also stimulates production of collagen through the application of red light. This makes new skin grow which makes the scars less visible than before.

It has become possible since recent years to obtain laser treatment kits from the market for home use. So laser treatment too is not at all difficult to avail of but be sure of what is right for you.

Understanding Sun Protection Basics

People are finally beginning to realize that although sunshine is an important component of most outdoor activities and a great mood enhancer, excessive exposure can lead to much unpleasantness. A painful sunburn is the most immediate consequence of excess exposure. Long term, excess exposure can damage the skin making it prone to wrinkling. And, finally, protection from the sun's damaging rays is important for anyone who wants to limit his or her risk of developing skin cancer.

Sun protection is important anytime you'll be outdoors between the hours of 10:00 am and 3:00 pm, when the sun is at its highest. People don't realize that they can still burn even though the sun isn't shining. Overcast days are some of the worst times for being in the sun unprotected. And because ultraviolet rays can reflect off certain surfaces, people need protection from the sun when snow covers the ground and also when in the water, when lying or playing on the sand and even when on a cement or grass surface.

Ultraviolet rays are the different wavelengths of energy that are produced by the sun. Even though harmful, the sun's energy is necessary to all human life. Fortunately, as life on earth has evolved so has the capacity to tolerate UV rays. The most important protection against the damaging ultraviolet rays is the ozone layer - a layer in the stratosphere that absorbs most of the various types of UV rays before they reach the earth's surface.

Most of this radiation or energy from the sun is invisible to the naked eye. The fact that the radiation is mostly invisible is likely the reason why the sun can be so harmful. It's hard to convince a person to protect against something that can't be seen. Of the ultraviolet rays, the two that are responsible for skin damage are UVA and UVB rays. The sun also generates UVC rays, but fortunately these extremely damaging rays cannot penetrate the ozone layer and therefore pose no threat to humans.

The longer and more prevalent of the two, UVA rays are responsible for long-term skin damage because they absorb deep into the skin. Their strength remains uniform regardless of the time of day or time of year. UVB rays are shorter and are what causes skin to tan or sunburns. Our bodies need UVB rays to produce Vitamin D, an important vitamin. Their strength varies based on time of day, time of year, altitude and also distance from the equator.

The UV Index is a scale measuring from 0 – 11 (low to extreme) and it's used to determine the intensity of the sun's radiation, particularly the likelihood that skin will or will not redden when exposed to the sun for various periods of time.

How To Improve any Type Skin Quality

Beautiful... healthy... glowing skin. Every individual, whether beauty-conscious or not wants it. But lasting skin beauty can only result from faithful, regular care. While we have marvelous skin care products to make life easier, it is the way you treat your skin everyday that really counts as the years go by. Today you will learn about your skin type.

One of the keys to proper skin care is knowing and making allowances for your skin type. Being aware of your skin type allows you to plan which types of cleansers, moisturizers, and other tools you need to use in order to get the best skin possible. There are several recognized skin types, but three main categories: oily, dry, and combination skin. Also you should add environmentally damaged skin.

Most skin types are genetically determined, but can be worsened by the environment, diet, harsh soaps, and overuse of the wrong skin care products - so be careful! Your skin care plan may also need to be modified for geography and season; if it's hotter than normal, for example, you may want to use skin products for oilier skin types, and if it's cooler, more moisturizer may be required.

It's easy to determine which skin type you have. When you get up in the morning, before you take a shower, wipe your face with a dry tissue, top to bottom. If it comes up greasy, you have oily skin. If it's dry, you have dry or combination skin; a little grease on the center of the tissue also suggests combination skin. You can also catch a clue from how your skin feels. If it seems parched and stretched too tight, it's dry; if it's slick, it's oily; but if it feels smooth and supple, it's almost certainly normal.

Combination skin is the most common skin type, and as such it's sometimes known as normal skin. It ends to be oily in the "T-zone" -- across the eyebrows and down the nose - and dry elsewhere. Your best bet for combination skin is to consistently deliver the moisturizers and nutrients it needs to stay healthy. You'll need to wash your face once or twice a day with a mild cleanser, though you might occasionally want to wash with a mild exfoliating cleaner to keep your pores unclogged. Be sure to rinse the cleanser off thoroughly with fresh, clean water. Follow that up with a skin toner to tighten and tone your pores, and finally, add the moisturizer that all skin types require.

Oily skin lives up to its name: it's shinier than normal skin, with larger pores, and may seem thicker to the casual eye. It can be a major battle to keep oily skin balanced and healthy-looking, but it responds well to regular exfoliation, deep-cleansing beauty masks, lightweight moisturizers, and the appropriate balancing ingredients to increase the skin's natural elasticity. Be careful not to overdo it, however: too many harsh cleaners can dehydrate your skin - or worse, cause your pores to release more sebum, making your skin even oilier. In fact, in order not to damage your skin, you should hydrate it with natural products that are non-oily. Be sure to wash your face with a mildly exfoliating skin cleanser at least twice a day, and use an astringent or toner to tighten your pores and make them look smaller. Believer it or not, witch hazel extract works well, and it's cheap.

Dry skin is basically skin that's parched and thirsty. It's tight, sensitive, and sometimes even flaky. It's all caused by pores that don't produce enough sebum, and can be worsened by hormones, aging, harsh detergents, and environmental factors. In order to return dry skin to a normal, healthy glow, you'll need to make sure that it's properly cleansed and hydrated. Use an exfoliating cleaner with alpha hydroxy acids on a daily basis. You can also use products with ceramides and lipids to help dry skin remain supple and well-hydrated.

Environmentally Damaged Skin is skin that has lost some of its natural suppleness and elasticity due to environmental damage - usually wind, sun, smoking, and pollution, but stress can also contribute. Uneven skin tone, roughening, dryness, and premature aging are all part of the package. While treatment can vary according to the type of damage, it's a good idea to start with professional skin exfoliation and Vitamin C treatments, and to use supplements that promote the production of skin collagen to improve the skin elasticity.

Sun Damaged Skin

The consequences of sun damage (aside from the temporary sting of sunburn) are initially invisible and are sometimes hard to comprehend. The truth is, as much as 90 percent of wrinkles, brown spots, and sagging skin what we usually think of as aging an be attributed to sun damage. What is worse, skin cancer is now the most common cancer, striking more and more people each year.

If you are still tempted to head out the door without sun protection, stop to consider what's going to happen to your skin. Melanin, the protective pigment found in the epidermis, defends the skin against sun damage by absorbing the sun's rays and dissipating the energy as heat. The more sun exposure, the more melanin the skin produces, which results in a suntan sign that ultraviolet UV rays have already damaged the skin. If sun exposure continues, the UV rays will damage cells and blood vessels in the outer layer of skin, causing the redness and painful inflammation of sunburn, actually a minor burn.

The UV rays that are not absorbed by melanin may prompt the formation of free radicals, destructive scavenger molecules. Because free radicals lack electrons, they attempt to steal electrons from other molecules, damaging the molecules in the process. Free radicals that get inside a cell can damage the cell's genetic material and cause mutations, and they may even trigger cancer.

However, the damage does not stop there. Urocranic acid, a chemical found in the epidermis, also reacts with ultraviolet light. The reaction also creates free radicals, which then break down the collagen and elastin in the skin, causing wrinkles. In addition, the sun's rays are thought to decrease immune system function within the skin, meaning that any invading organisms have a better chance of causing infection.

Anti-aging Skin Care Tips

Many of the external causes of aging skin are determined by the health and lifestyle decisions you make every day. Anti-aging skin care supplements works in complete synchronization with the body, complementing and supplying the necessary anti-aging nutritive requirements that the skin needs to remove wastes and repair itself, allowing it to maintain its elasticity and reduce the possibility of premature aging. Anti-aging skin care products that focus on rejuvenating the skin often contain high intensity moisturizers. The reason is that skin loses its natural moisture with advancing age, causing it to wrinkle and develop blemishes. Such products may also contain anti-oxidants to counter the deterioration of skin cells. Many anti-aging skin care products aim to boost the skin’s production of collagen, which promotes its elasticity and gives it structure.

A good anti aging treatment regimen can make a huge difference in the appearance of aging facial skin. Skin aging is 90% of the time due to sun damage and 10% due to genetic factors. Exercise helps keep us from aging by keeping weight down, working the heart, toning muscles, and getting the blood flowing. People who exercise look younger and feel younger. It is a most beneficial habit to get into. Anti-aging skin care products tend to approach the issue of aging from various angles. The skin is obviously the primary focus, since dull, wrinkled skin is a dead giveaway. Natural anti-aging skin care products do not contain harmful chemical preservatives, mineral oils, fragrances or other synthetic additives. This makes them far more skin-friendly. Intrinsic or biological aging is due to genetic factors. The intrinsic factors are the slow down of skin turnover, decreased collagen and sebum production.

Anti-aging Skin Care Tips and Facts:

- Washing of the face with soap cold water is inadmissible for any skin. To a normal skin in the mornings easy enough swill warm water.

- Cleanse your skin with medicated soap.

- Use light antiseptic anti aging cosmetic product for smooth function.

- Avoid taking oily stuff.

- You can use a mask of clay or mud. Use antibacterial cleansing lotion to avoid skin rashes.

- Using lipstick, helps protect your lips from harmful rays.

- Eat green vegetable, fruits and plenty of milk.

Resolve Five Common Skin Care Problems!

Your skin has the ability to heal, renew and protect itself with the proper care. The causes of skin imperfections include hormonal changes, reduction in collagen production, free-radical damage, poor nutrition, solar radiation and pollution. If you have problem skin, choose products that optimize your skin's ability to repair itself.

Broken Capillaries: Dry, delicate or mature skin that is thin and fragile is most susceptible to broken capillaries. When blood no longer pumps through the tiny capillaries and the capillary walls weaken, they lose their elasticity, collapse and become visible on the surface. Abrasive cleansers and facial scrubs, alcohol, caffeine, certain drugs, harsh cosmetics, forceful massage, cold weather, extreme winds, overexposure to the sun and spicy foods can all be triggers. Protecting your skin in cold or windy weather can help prevent broken capillaries. Bioflavonoid supplements may reduce redness and strengthen capillaries. Use gentle products that contain aloe and essential oils of lavender and chamomile to help soothe capillaries.

Age Spots: Blotches of pigmentation may result from perfumes, excessive sun exposure or the interaction of medications (such as birth control pills) and sun exposure. In responses, your skin has tried to protect itself by producing an overabundance of melanin -- the pigmented cells in your skin. The most important thing you can do to prevent new age spots is to wear sunscreen when exposed to sunlight.

You can repair your skin with products containing antioxidants, such as vitamin C, that have been shown to clarify skin and help to reverse dye effects of sun damage. Licorice extract is nature's most subtle and yet effective skin lightener. It has depigmenting effects and inhibits melanin synthesis.

Uneven Skin: Discoloration can also be the result of inflammation caused by acne, harsh chemicals or trauma. "Uneven skin is typically from poor skin care and large pore size," says Beer. "Other causes are seborrhea dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea and its cousin, perioral dermatitis (characterized by tiny red bumps around the mouth). For uneven skin, my most popular treatment is self-heating microdermabrasion crystals that are made with micronized bamboo." Again, vitamin C comes to the rescue with its ability to even out skin tone and boost collagen production, reduce skin damage caused by free radicals and improve skin texture.

Rosacea: Although the cause of the disorder is unknown, it is clear that rosacea is aggravated by extremes of temperature, sunlight, alcohol, hot drinks, spicy foods and emotional stress. They cause the already congested and weakened blood vessels to dilate even further and the skin's sensitive surface to become irritated and inflamed. People with naturally thin skin may also be more prone to the condition.

"Rosacea is typically found in light-skinned patients and may be exacerbated by estrogens or changes in hormones," adds Beer. "Tartar control toothpaste can also provoke it. For rosacea-prone skin, I recommend skin-care products that contain green tea extract, which has a calming effect. For rosacea and broken capillaries, I suggest avoiding products that contain alcohol, a lot of fragrance or antiaging ingredients, such as high concentrations of vitamin C or glycolic acid. I also recommend chemical-free sun protection."

Acne: Acne is typically caused by the interaction of bacteria, hormones and sebum (oil from the hair follicle). A conscientious skin-care regime can combat some causes. Use a weekly facial scrub followed by a facial mask. Spot-treating blemishes with a formulation of bacteria-fighting essential oils such as tea tree, neroli or lemon oil can help them heal faste.

"Use cleansers and topical treatments designed for acne-prone skin and avoid anything, including sunscreens, that are not explicitly non-comedogenic and non-acnegenic," says Beer. Supplementing with B vitamins and zinc may also help. Green tea and lavender have both been shown to have antibacterial properties when used topically.